Monday, November 10, 2014

BQA: Capturing value through quality beef

Cattlemen have a long-standing commitment to quality beef. Now, they can step up that commitment by participating in the checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program and participate in Illinois Beef Association (IBA) sponsored training and certification sessions.

Delivering a quality beef product to the consumer requires more than just superior genetics – trustworthy handling practices are the link that assures consumer satisfaction.

BQA is important to the cattle industry as it gives producers a set of best practices for producing a safe and high-quality beef product. It also gives consumers the assurance that the beef they eat is both healthy and wholesome.

The program covers best management practices such as proper handling and administration of vaccinations and other products, better cattle handling principles, profit tips, and insight to consumer preferences.

“Many producers leave with a sense of validation of the bulk of their practices, but an exited feeling that they have picked up on a few tips that can give them a competitive advantage in the beef market,” said Travis Meteer, state BQA coordinator. “BQA certification serves as hard evidence to the effort and level of care animals receive day in and day out. BQA approved practices lead to a safe, wholesome product that consumers demand. We have all made the comment – what is best for the animal is best for our bottom line. If you are talking the talk then BQA is walking the walk.”

Curt Rincker, a Simmental breeder from Shelbyville, places a lot of value on the BQA program because it was designed by cattlemen for cattlemen and has the research and results to back it up.

“When I realized the improvements made in recent beef audits due to injection sites, I felt it was equally important for the cow-calf sector to also apply the same beef safety practices,” Rincker said.

Rincker’s education through the BQA program has enhanced his day-to-day management practices and enhanced animal well-being on his farm.

“I’ve made a real effort to follow proper injection site guidelines along with more frequent needle and syringe changes during routine vaccinations,” he said. “Practicing more patience in cattle handling procedures and an improved understanding of cattle movement through the BQA program, not only takes stress off of my cows, but takes some stress off of me to. It’s a win-win for all on my farm.”

According to Buzz Iliff, Wyoming Vet Clinic veterinarian, the industry has seen good evidence that a calmer animal stays healthier and provides a much better product in the tenderness of the meat.

“From personal experience, it is gratifying to see producers adopt and follow BQA guidelines and improve their operations,” Iliff said. “More importantly, keeping good treatment records and strictly following withdrawl times on any antibiotics and medications will insure a safer product.”

At the end of the day, the consumer is the industry’s demand driver. If that consumer is willing to open up their wallet, as an industry, we need to produce a consistent product that gives the beef buyer a great eating experience time and time again.

Even at beef’s current high retail prices, John Lundeen, NCBA senior executive director of market research, said consumers are willing to pay the price, but expectations for quality have also risen.

“The checkoff-funded Consumer Beef Index study measures demand drivers and we see taste topping the charts with safety and value following close behind,” Lundeen said. “Those characteristics along with confidence in the beef industry’s production practices are often how consumers describe quality.”

He added that consumers are stepping up to the case and purchasing the product because cattlemen have done a great job to continuously improve their production practices. But, it can’t stop here – the industry is in a strong point now, but producers need to continue to invest in education and keep the momentum going.

“Without a doubt the end-result of all of the BQA guidelines and practices that we as BQA certified producers use, is a safer end-product for our beef consumer. Being BQA certified is the right thing to do and has continued to improve the perception of beef from gate to plate,” Rincker said.

Cattlemen are invited to attend BQA training sessions this winter sponsored by the IBA to learn about the latest best management practices and become BQA certified. There is a $25 registration fee payable at the door to cover the cost of meals and training materials and reservations are encouraged by contacting the IBA at 217-787-4280.

The meetings will begin at 6 p.m. with a meal followed by the training session.

Dates and locations are:
  •          Dec. 2, Litchfield, Lincoln Land Community College Arts & Technology Building –               Multipurpose Room
  •          Dec. 4, Quincy, Adams County Farm Bureau Building
  •          Dec. 9, Paris, Edgar County Fairgrounds – Multipurpose 4-H Building

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