by Travis Meteer, U of I Beef Extension Specialist
The current cattle market can be distracting. Record high
prices, while certainly a good thing, can leave many cattlemen in a state of
awe and amazement. Instead of getting caught watching high prices this fall,
your time will be better spent monitoring the cost side of your cattle
Cow-calf producers can significantly reduce costs by extending
the grazing season and delaying feeding of purchased feeds. Common sense and
research both tell us cattle are most profitable when they are harvesting their
own feed. Allowing cattle to graze into late fall and early winter is crucial
to reducing costs. Even with lowering commodity prices, grazing is still the
cheapest way to feed cows. Stockpiled forages, cover crop forages, and grazing
crop residue are all options for extending the grazing season.
Cool season forages, especially fescue, are excellent
candidates for stockpiling. While fescue may garner a bad reputation for
endophyte issues and poor production in the summer months, fall is a time to
shine for fescue. Cool temperatures in the fall negate complications with
elevated body temperatures when cattle are consuming endophyte infected fescue.
Re-growth in the fall is primarily green leaf tissue and the plant is not
putting on seed heads which are a feared, concentrated source of the endophyte.
The stockpiling process starts with designating pastures
that will be used for stockpiling. Cattle need to be removed from the selected
pastures in early to mid-August. Applying supplemental nitrogen in August has
proven beneficial to yields. When pastures were allowed to stockpile until Dec.
1, applying 50 pounds of actual N per acre in early to mid-August can add
approximately 25 pounds of DM per pound of N added or 1,250 pounds of DM per
Grazing management will greatly influence the ability to
utilize stockpiled forages. Strip grazing is the common and most recommended
practice. Strip grazing will allow close to a 70% utilization of the available
forage, a 30% improvement over continuous grazing. Stockpiling fescue for
90-100 days will typically yield approximately 2000 lbs. DM per acre. Assuming
a 1400 lb. cow eats 3% her body weight in DM, the cow would eat 42 lbs. DM per
day. Using strip grazing, an acre of stockpiled fescue could support a cow for
33 days. Adding 50 lbs. of N can gain an extra 21 days of grazing under the
same management and stocking rate.
Illinois is blessed with very fertile farmland. Higher land prices, soil health benefits, and the ability to grow more feed are incentives to add cover crops to a diversified farming operation. Using cover crops following cash crop production for added forage is one of the best opportunities for Illinois cattlemen to lower production costs. There are numerous options for farmers depending on their crop rotation.
A popular choice after corn silage or in idle wheat ground
is seeding a mixture of oats and turnips. Two bushel of oats and 4 pounds of
turnips per acre will give a nice stand and offer around three to four tons of
DM per acre. Annual Ryegrass is another cover crop that needs to be planted in
late summer. Yields can be two to four DM tons per acre. Annual Ryegrass will
overwinter and will require good management in the spring to achieve
termination of the stand. Oats and turnips will winterkill.
Cereal rye, triticale, and mixes including them are good
options for producers looking to provide forage possibilities in the early
spring. Many will chop and bag these forages prior to planting beans in the
spring. Weather can make this challenging; however yields of up to 4 dry tons
per acre can be accomplished. As with any crop there will be variation in
success depending on seed choice, weather, and management. Start a discussion
with your seed dealer and investigate your options for cover crops.
The cost of grazing cornstalks is low; first because the cows graze and harvest their own feed and second, because all costs to produce the plant for grain production are attributed to the row-crop operation. Even with the cost of a temporary fence (which many farmers already have) and water, grazing cornstalks is more economical than feeding hay.
Cattle eat the more digestible
and higher protein portions first. Therefore, a good mineral is probably the
only supplementation needed for the first month unless the herd includes
fall-calving cows or stocker calves.
Grazing stalks can also have
benefits for subsequent crops. Cows grazing cornstalks for 60 days will remove
approximately 30 to 40 percent of the residue. Residue buildup has been a
well-documented problem in many corn-on-corn fields with new hybrids. Cows
deposit nutrients in the form of manure back on the field. As they graze, they reduce
volunteer corn, considered a weed and a yield-robber in soybean fields.
Using an equation developed at
the University of Nebraska, a field that averages 170 bushels per acre yields 2,430
pounds of leaf and husk. Only 50 percent of the 2,430 pounds is available for
the animal; the rest is trampled or lost in weathering. Thus, 1,215 pounds of
DM husk and leaf per acre are available as feed.
A 1400-pound cow consumes 1,050
pounds of DM per month. At 170 bushels an acre, approximately 1 acre of
cornstalks are needed to feed the cow for 30 days. To feed the same cow on
cornstalks for 60 days, 1.5 to 2 acres would be needed.
Producers focused on keeping
costs low will be the most profitable in 2014. Those profits could be
substantial, allowing for updates and further investment into the cattle operation.
Historically, the cow-calf business has been a break-even business. Thus,
continuing to monitor the cost side will be important. Illinois cattlemen have
the opportunity to use stockpiled forages, cover crops, and crop residues to
keep cost low to allow large profits in 2014.
*Previously printed in Illinois Beef magazine
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